Rabu, 30 Maret 2011

Lima Prinsip Investasi Pendidikan Menurut World Bank 1980

1.basic education should be provided for all children and adults as soon as the available resources and condition permit. In the long term, a comprehensive system of formal and non formal education should be developed at all levels.
2.to increase producttivity and promote social equity, educational opportunities should be provided without distinction of sex, ethnic background, or social and economic status
3.educational system should try to achieve maximum internal efficiency in the management, allocation , an use of available resources so as to increase the quantity and improve the quantity and improve the quality of education
4.education should be related to work and enviroment in order to improve , quantitatively the knowledge and skills necessary for economic, social, and other development
5.to satisfy these objectives developing country will need to build and maintain their instituional capacities to design, analyze, manage, and evaluate programs for education and training